
Appel tuniso-allemand pour une coopération bilatérale S&T impliquant les sciences et l'industrie (projets TUNGER 2+2) 2023

L’objectif général de cet appel est d’établir une collaboration à long terme en matière de recherche et de développement entre les participants allemands et tunisiens dans le domaine des sciences et de l’industrie. Le financement sera assuré conjointement par le ministère allemand de l’éducation et de la recherche (BMBF) pour les partenaires allemands du projet et par le ministère tunisien de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique (MESRS) pour les partenaires tunisiens du projet.

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Dans le cadre de cet appel à propositions, un financement peut être accordé à des projets conjoints impliquant au moins une institution de recherche ou une université allemande et une université tunisienne, ainsi qu’une entreprise allemande et une entreprise tunisienne. On s’attend à ce que les projets financés produisent des idées et des résultats de recherche exploitables menant à de nouvelles technologies, de nouveaux produits et/ou services. Les avantages pour l’Allemagne et la Tunisie doivent être clairement identifiables.

Plus d’informations sur l’appel :

Les offres des établissements d’enseignement supérieur

Aalen University of Applied Sciences

Welcome to Aalen University of Applied Sciences!

Foreign students are guaranteed the chance to gain excellent practical experience in the industry, which commonly is the start of a successful career.


Professional IT Business & Digitalization Master

Looking to boost your IT career? Discover the international Master’s program in Professional IT Business & Digitalization at HTW Berlin!


Creative, Innovative, Sustainable – Study in English at TH OWL

Where distances are short and networks are wide – TH OWL offers strong commitment to practical relevance and cutting-edge research.


New English-Taught Degree Programmes: B.Eng. Industrial Engineering & ...

The study programmes address students of all nationalities, offering an ideal opportunity to get to know “technology made in Germany”. Both degree programmes are additionally offered as work-integra...


Boost your career with the International Master‘s in Project Managemen...

Boost your career. Acquire a German Master’s degree in Data Science & Project Management. Join us at HTW Berlin – On Campus or Online!


Get a truly international education!

Are you looking to study at a German university that will launch your international career? Join us at ESB Business School for a top-tier education!


MBA & Engineering in Life Science Management Programme

Internationally accredited MBA&E providing life science expertise required in leaders of the future combining comprehensive, industry-specific knowledge and management skills.


English-taught Bachelor’s and Master’s programs at Hof University

Shape your future with our career-focused Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in English, featuring hands-on learning, internships, and strong industry connections!


Be part of the transition to the future shape of energy

Join our English-taught Bachelor of Science in Energy Systems Engineering and Management!


Advance your career with an MBA from Pforzheim University, one of the ...

The full-time MBA in International Management at Pforzheim University combines a classical management education with the most relevant future topics: Innovation & Digital Business, Sustainable Global...


Executive M.Sc. in Energy, Mobility, Production, Product Innovation, F...

Boost your career with an industry-oriented M. Sc. in Renewable Energies, Digital Transformation, Global Production, Innovation, Finance or Mobility. Taught in English in Germany!


English-taught Master Programmes in Green and Information Technologies

Study innovative, future- and practice-oriented engineering Master’s programmes in central Germany!


Apply now for the Master’s program in European and International Law (...

Boost your career now and study European & International Law together with students from more than 30 countries.



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