
Higher Education in Tunisia

© DAAD Tunis

Tunisia has a compact and well-equipped network of 310 institutions in the higher education area, including 229 in the state sector with 13 state full universities and a total of 203 faculties, institutes and “écoles“.

The “écoles“, which offer a three-year engineering training class following a two-year “classe préparatoire“, have an especially good reputation. All in all, the Tunisian educational system has a good reputation on the African continent.


The DAAD office in Tunis has compiled a higher education reader [PDF 1.57 MB] (in German) which offers first insight into the Tunisian university landscape.

As the universities view themselves primarily as teaching institutions, little research is carried out there. With the exception of the training programmes in engineering, architecture and medicine, the study programmes are Bologna-compliant (LMD system). The teaching languages are French, Arabic and in some subjects English. For academic studies in Tunisia, you should have very good linguistic knowledge of French or Arabic. At state research centres, teaching (undergraduate, master’s degree, PhD) is also offered, but the focus here is primarily on research.

The Tunisian education and higher education system is centrally organised on the basis of the French system. For this reason, you will require a permit from the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education – even for an exchange semester. To apply for this you will have to fill out a form and compile a complete dossier.

Information on the procedure and the forms can be found here:

The procedural regulation requires that the complete dossier is sent to the DAAD in Tunis which then passes it on to the Ministry of Higher Education with an accompanying letter for approval.

Please send your dossier to the DAAD Tunis (postal address, but exclusively using a courier service):

DAAD Bureau Tunis
14, rue 18 janvier, Immeuble KOOLI
1000 Tunis

Unfortunately the DAAD is unable to help if you require content-related or administrative support regarding your application to a Tunisian higher education institution. If you have any questions, please contact the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education directly:

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  • DAAD Regional Office Tunis

    14, rue du 18 janvier 1952 1000 Tunis (Centreville) Telephone: +216 71 240 833
    Fax: +216 70 201340
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