Studying and conducting research in Morocco

The political basis for the further development of the Moroccan education and research system is the “Vision Stratégique de la Réforme 2015–2030” of the Moroccan Senior Council for Education, Training and Scientific Research. The new strategy is based on the premise that scientific and technical research as well as innovation play the strategically most important roles for the economic, cultural and social development of Morocco and for strengthening the country’s position in global competition. This also includes greater digital support for research and teaching in Morocco.
The teaching language is – depending on the department – Arabic or French.
The AMCI (Agence Marocaine de Cooperation Internationale, acts as organisation for internationalising the Moroccan higher education system, and is partner of the Ministère des Affaires Ètrangères et de la Coopération. The AMCI also calls for scholarship applications for graduate, postgraduate and doctoral studies from foreigners to study in Morocco.